1. Prevention Procedures

1.1 On the Premises

1.1.1 Signaling and Information

  • Ensure that customers are aware of and have access to this Internal Protocol regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. It will be available in physical format on all Lisboat boats and sales stands. It will also be available on the website www.lisboat.com and on LISBOAT social media,
  • Information regarding basic precautions for prevention and infection control in relation to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak will be posted in a visible place on all boats, as well as on all sales stands. The graphic information will be extracted from the DGS (Health General Direction) website, namely with regard to the respiratory conduct, social distance and the mandatory use of a mask inside the boats (Annex 7).

1.1.2 Hygiene Plan


  • The sanitation of the ticket sales stands must be carried out at least twice a day, that is, right after its assembly before opening to the public and at the end of the working day.
  • The sanitation of the sales equipment (payment terminal) must always occur after each use, preferably in the presence of customers.
  • All sanitation actions must be registered by filling in annex 1.


  • The sanitation of the boats must take place twice a day, that is, in the morning before operation activities and at the end of the day.
  • The floor’s sanitation must be done with common soap, followed by a bleach solution. The dilution quantities must comply with the requirements on Annex 4.
  • The sanitation of most used surfaces must occur before and after every boarding, particularly on the most exposed areas, namely chairs, handles and handrails and.
  • The bucket and mop for the floor are reusable. This equipment must be washed and disinfected after each use. Every area has its own cleaning kit – every boat must have its own kit; the equipment used in the toilets shouldn’t be the same used in other public areas.
  • In the boats’ toilets, sanitation must be carried out always after customers have used it, with “2 in 1” products, which contains detergent and disinfectant in its composition.
  • All other equipment must be disinfected before and after each use/shift – radios, consoles, sound equipment, steering wheel.
  • All sanitation actions must be registered by filling Annex 1.

1.1.3. Sanitation Equipment


  • Alcohol-based antiseptic solution dispensers will be available at all ticket sales points.
  • Each stand will have its own cleaning supplies – cloths and sprayers.
  • The cleaning will be carried out with a “2 in 1” solution – detergent + bleach-based disinfectant, through sprayers.


  • All boats will have 70% alcohol-based antiseptic solution dispensers at the doors.
  • In the sanitary facilities of all boats, there will be liquid soap for handwashing and paper towels.• All boats will have waste bins (bathroom and deck) with pedal opening and plastic bags.
  • All boats will have their own cleaning kit (see sanitation plan).


1.2.1. Training

All sales assistants and crew members were trained in the following contents: (based on TdP slides; recorded in Annex 2)

  • Contents of this document – Clean & Safe internal protocol.
  • Compliance with basic precautions for prevention and infection control in relation to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, namely:
    • Importance of handwashing: wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with a 70% of alcohol concentration, covering all surfaces of the hands and rubbing them until they are dry.
    • Respiratory conduct: coughing or sneezing into the forearm or using a tissue, which should then be immediately thrown away; hand hygiene always after coughing or sneezing and after blowing your nose; avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands.
    • Social conduct: reduce the contact between coworkers and between them and customers, avoiding (when possible) close contact, handshakes, kisses, work equipment, face-to-face meetings, food sharing, utensils, glasses, and towels.
    • Personal hygiene: Ensure daily washing of the uniform with detergent and water at 60ºC.
  • Daily self-monitoring of personal health.
    • Monitor body temperature daily.
    • Assess the remaining symptoms daily (cough or difficulty breathing).
    • If the employees have any of these symptoms, they must communicate the company immediately and not show up to work.

1.2.2. Individual Protection Equipment

  • Every LISBOAT employee must use mask at at all times.
  • For daily great washing and disinfections of the boats employees must use foot covers, apron, gloves and visor.

1.2.3. Social Conduct

  • Keep the distance between employees, avoid physical contact, including handshakes.
  • Keep your hair up.
  • It is not advisable to use excessive personal ornaments (bracelets, threads, rings, etc.), in order to minimize the surfaces that may be contaminated.
  • Keep the nails clean.
  • Employees in charge of washing and disinfection must be familiar with the products to be used (detergents and disinfectants), the precautions to be taken when handling, diluting and applying them in safe conditions, how to protect yourself during cleaning procedures. Comply strictly with the manufacturers’ instructions.

1.2.4. Shifts

  • Only one fixed crew will be assigned to each boat (captain and sailor).
  • Sales teams will be formed only buy one employee.
  • Sailing teams will be fixed, and not possible to change members.

1.3. For Clients

1.3.1. Individual Protection Equipment

  • Wearing a mask is mandatory for all customers.
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizers will be available to customers at all ticket sales points and at the boats’ gate.

1.3.2. Conduct

  • All clients must respect the minimum distance between each other – 2 meters.
  • The boarding process must be carried out respecting the safety distance of 2 meters between each customer.
  • On the boats clients must occupy the seat designated by the crew. Only families may sit next to each other.
  • Client must comply with respiratory conduct on display on the boats and ticket sales stands.

2. Procedures in case of suspected infection

2.1 Action Plan

The captain on board the vessel will be responsible for handling the suspected case. Bearing in mind the nature of LISBOAT’s operation, there are no places to assemble an “isolation room”, so the suspected cases will be kept on board isolated from other occupants (at a distance), after which contact with the SNS will be established, through the Line SNS24 (808242424).

  • The area occupied by the suspected case will be, after its evacuation from the boat, immediately disinfected.
  • The waste produced by the suspected case will be treated as biological waste – collected and closed in two plastic bags closed with clamps, and collected by a competent authority.

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